Bones and teeth are valuable archives of the life history and behavior of vertebrates. The bioapatite of the skeletal remains records in its element and isotope composition information about the animal’s diet, physiology and mobility as well as climate and environmental conditions (Fig. 1). If this geochemical information is not biased by chemical alteration during fossilization, it can provide valuable insights into the paleobiology, paleoecology, and evolution of extinct vertebrates.
Fig. 1. Bone isotopes.
I use different isotope systems (C, O, Ca, Sr, Nd, Lu-Hf) in fossil bones and teeth to infer their diet, body temperature, mobility and age. For such geochemical investigations it is crucial to monitor the chemical changes resulting from the fossilisation. Tooth enamel is the tissue with the best preservation potential for the original biogenic isotope compositions even over millions of years while bone seems to behave as an open system.
The chemical, mineralogical and histological changes in fossil skeletal remains during diagenesis themselves are a valuable source of information in their own right. They enable us to characterize and quantify the post-mortem history, diagenetic milieu, taphonomic processes and the timing of fossilization and hence to what extent the original chemical information stored in the bioapatite and the biomolecules has been altered or retained.
As geochemist and paleontologist my main research focus is on the isotope geochemistry of skeletal remains of fossil vertebrates of various taxa such as dinosaurs, mammals (including humans), sharks and others. I pursue my research in interdisciplinary research contexts with colleagues from different fields such as geochemistry, paleontology, archaeology, anthropology, material sciences and animal nutrition.
In my ongoing ERC Consolidator Grant VERTEBRATE HERBIVORY we aim at developing a new toolbox for dietary reconstructions by combining 3D dental surface wear as well as calcium and strontium isotope analysis of teeth (Fig. 2). These non-destructive, respectively, minimally invasive techniques will be first validated in controlled feeding experiments and then applied to fossil teeth for dietary reconstructions of extinct vertebrates and past food webs. The ultimate goal is to assess the evolution of plant-feeding among mammal ancestors and dinosaurs.
Fig. 2. Dietary proxy tool box. Combined Ca isotope and enamel surface texture analysis applied in a single tooth approach. Reconstruction of Gastornis by Hellmund & Stache 2015; photo: M. Scholz, Halle (Saale).
My research directions include the following:
• Development and application of non-traditional isotope proxies for bioapatite
• Diet of extinct taxa; combined calcium isotope and dental wear analysis
• Thermophysiology of fossil vertebrates inferred from clumped isotope analysis
• Paleoclimate reconstruction by phosphate oxygen isotopes
• Provenance and mobility determination of humans and animals by isotope fingerprinting
• Diagenesis and fossilization processes of bones and teeth
Since October 2013: Academic Senior Councilor (“Akademischer Oberrat”), permanent scientific staff, Applied and Analytical Paleontology, Institute of Geosciences, University of Mainz, Germany
2013: Assistant Professor, Environmental Geology group, Steinmann-Institute, University of Bonn, Germany
2007-2012: Research group leader of the Emmy Noether group „Bone geochemistry”, Geochemistry group, Steinmann-Institute, University of Bonn, Germany
2006-2007: Senior Research Associate, Applied and Analytical Palaeontology, Institute of Geosciences, University of Mainz, Germany
2005-2006: Postdoctoral researcher, Dept. of Geochemistry, Institute of Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Germany
2003-2005: Postdoctoral researcher, Institute for Mineralogy and Geochemistry, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
1999-2003: PhD student, Dept. of Geochemistry, Institute for Geoscience, University of Tübingen, Germany
Since 2017: Adjunct Professor ("Apl.-Prof.) (University of Mainz)
Since 2017: Faculty Member of the Max Planck Graduate Center (MPGC) (Mainz)
2016-2019: Gutenberg Research College (GFK) member (University of Mainz)
2016-2018: Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship (Humboldt Foundation)
2016-2021: ERC Consolidator Grant "Vertebrate Herbivory"
2011: Best oral presentation, 22nd Senckenberg Conference "The World at the Time of Messel"
2007-2012: Emmy Noether Research Fellowship (DFG)
2005-2006: Postdoctoral fellowship (DFG, "Eigene Stelle")
2004: Best geoscience dissertation award, University of Tübingen, Germany
1995-1998: Stipend by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation ("Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes")
(1) McCormack J, Jaouen K, Bourgon N, Sisma-Ventura G, Müller W, Tacail TGJ and Tütken T submitted. Zinc isotope composition of hard tissues and muscle in pisciculture gilt–head seabreams (Sparus aurata), and their relation to diet. Marine Biology
(2) Pederzani S, Britton K, Trost M, Fewlass H, Bourgon N, McCormack J, Jaouen K, Dietl, H, Döhle H–J, Kirchner A, Lauer T, Le Corre M, McPherron S, Meller H, Mylopotmitaki D Orschiedt J, Rougier H, Schüler T, Sinet-Mathiot V, Smith GM, Talamo S, Tütken T, Welker F, Zavala E, Weiss M and Hublin J-J in review. Early Homo sapiens dispersed into cold–arid steppes in central Europe. Nature Ecology and Evolution
(3) Feng D, Surma J, Tütken T, Löffler N, Heinemann G, Tröster G, Zahnow F, Herwartz, D, Pack A in review. Triple oxygen isotopes of modern terrestrial mammalian tooth enamel – new implications for paleoenvironmental and physiological research. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta
(4) Kral A, Geisler T, Wiedenbeck M, Guagliardo P and Tütken T in revision. Phosphate uptake is an essential process for rapid bone mineralization during early diagenesis – evidence from bone alteration experiments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
(5) Tacail T, Lewis J, Clauss M, Coath CD, Evershed R, Albalat E, Elliott TE and Tütken T revised. Diet, cellular and systemic homeostasis control the cycling of potassium stable isotopes in endothermic vertebrates. Metallomics
(102) Hanik S, Krause-Kyora B., Weber M und Tütken T 2022. Pferdezucht in Diepensee? Ergebnisse der Archäozoologie, Genetik und Strontium–Isotopenanalyse. Forschungen zur Archäologie im Land Brandenburg 13, 143–149.
(101) Tütken T, Vohberger M und Grupe G 2022. Strontiumisotopen zeigen eine unterschiedliche Herkunft der Menschen und Pferde des mittelalterlichen Dorfes Diepensee in Brandenburg. Forschungen zur Archäologie im Land Brandenburg 13, 63–85.
(100) Müller–Scheessel N, Berszin C, Grupe G, Schwentke A, Staskiewicz A, Tütken T and Wahl J 2019. What Is the Norm? “Irregular” and “Regular” Burial Practices of the Early Iron Age in Central Europe. In: TK Betsinger, AB Scott, & A Tsaliki (eds.) The Odd, the Unusual, and the Strange. Gainesville, University Press of Florida, pp 170–189.
(99) Vinnepand M, Fischer P, Craig C-A, Hambach U, Zeeden C, Thornton B, Tütken T, Jöris O, Prud’homme C, Schulte P, Moine O, Fitzsimmons KE, Lehmkuhl F, Schirmer W and Vött A 2023. What do dust sinks tell us about their sources? – A case study for the OIS 3–2 in the Middle Rhine Valley, Germany. E&G Quaternary Science Journal 72, 163–184.
(98) Green D, Winkler D, Leichliter J, Harms G, Hatt J-M, Clauss M and Tütken T, 2023. Formation and replacement of bone and tooth mineralized tissues in green iguanas (Iguana iguana) revealed by in–vivo fluorescence marking. Integrative and Comparative Biology icad089, 1–15
(97) Martin LF, Codron D, Winkler DE, Tütken T, Hatt J-M and Clauss M, 2023. Macroscopic dental measures in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) fed natural and pelleted diets of different abrasiveness: implications for wear and compensatory regrowth in a hypselodont species. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20, 20230012.
(96) Merceron G, Tütken T and Scott R 2023. Understanding dental proxies of ancient diets. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 621, 111589.
(95) Helmy H, Tütken T and Lotfy H, 2023. Valley of Whales, Fayum Oasis, Egypt: an Eocene window in the evolution of Cetaceans. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch) 112, 1499–1501.
(94) Leichliter JN, Lüdecke T, Foreman AD, Bourgon N, Duprey N, Vonhof H, Sigman D, Tütken T and Martínez-García A, 2023. Tooth enamel nitrogen isotope composition records trophic position: a tool for reconstructing food webs. Communications Biology 6, 373.
(93) Jaouen K, Tütken T, Bourgon N, Lüdecke T, Smith GM, Salazar–García DC, Villalba–Mouco V and Méjean, P 2023. Reply to Ben-Dor et al.: A low Zn isotope ratio is not equal to a low Zn content. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2218491120.
(92) Britton K, Jimenez E-L, Le Corre M, Pederzani S, Daujeard C, Jaouen K, Vettese D, Tütken T, Hublin J-J and Moncel M-H 2023. Multi-isotope zooarchaeological investigations at Abri du Maras: the palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental context of Neanderthal subsistence strategies in the Rhône Valley during MIS 3. Journal of Human of Evolution 174, 103292.
(91) Winkler DEW, Kubo T, Kubo MO, Kaiser T and Tütken T 2022. First application of dental microwear texture analysis to infer theropod feeding ecology. Palaeontology e12632.
(90) Zohar I, Alperson-Afil N, Goren-Inbar N, Prévost M, Tütken T, Sisma–Ventura G, Hershkowitz I and Najorka J 2022. Evidence for the cooking of fish 780,000 years ago at Gesher Benot Ya´aqov, Israel. Nature Ecology and Evolution 220315991B.
(89) Winkler DE, Clauss M, Kubo MO, Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser TM, De Cuyper A, Kubo T and Tütken T 2022. Dental microwear texture analysis of rats receiving experimental near–natural diets shows that seeds and insect exoskeletons cause high enamel surface complexity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 957427.
(88) Kral AG, Lagos M, Guagliardo P, Tütken T and Geisler T 2022. Rapid alteration of cortical bone in fresh- and seawater solutions visualized and quantified from the millimeter down to the atomic scale. Chemical Geology 609, 121060.
(87) Martin, LF, Winkler DE, Ackermans NL, Müller J, Tütken T, Kaiser T, Codron D, Schulz-Kornas E, Hatt JM and Clauss M 2022. Dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) correlations in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) and sheep (Ovis aries) suggest that DMT signal consistency is species-specific. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 958576.
(86) McCormack J, Griffiths ML, Shimada K, Kim S, Karnes M, Maisch IV H, Pederzani S, Bourgon N, Jaouen K, Becker MA, Jöns N, Sisma-Ventura G, Straube N, Pollerspöck J, Hublin JJ, Eagle RA and Tütken T 2022. Trophic position of Otodus megalodon and great white sharks through time revealed by zinc isotopes. Nature Communications 13, 2980.
(85) Feng D, Tütken T, Löffler N, Tröster G and Pack A 2022. Isotopically anomalous metabolic oxygen in marine vertebrates as physiology and atmospheric proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 328, 85–102.
(84) Jaouen K, Villaba Mouco V, Smith GM, Trost M, Leichliter J., Lüdecke T, Méjean P, Mandrou S, Chmeleff J, Guiserix D, Bourgon N, Blasco F, Mendes Cardoso J, Duquenoy C, Moubtahij Z, Salazar Garcia DC, Richards M and Tütken T, Hublin JJ, Utrilla P and Montes L 2022. A Neandertal dietary conundrum: new insights provided by Zn isotopes at Gabasa, Spain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2109315119.
(83) Gatti L, Lugli F, Sciutto G, Zangheri M., Prati S, Mirasoli M, Silvestrini S, Benazzi S, Tütken T, Douka K, Collina C, Moroni A, Romandini M, Iacumin P, Guardigli M, Roda A and Mazzeo R 2022. Combined elemental and immunochemical analyses: A new approach to characterize diagenetic pathways in ancient bones and teeth. Scientific Reports 12, 5112.
(82) De Cuyper A, Winkler DE, Tütken T, Bosch G, Hummel J, Kreuzer M, Muñoz Saravia A, Janssens GPJ, Clauss M 2022. Digestion of bamboo compared to grass and lucerne in a small hindgut fermenting herbivore, the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). Journal of Experimental Zoology A 337, 128–140.
(81) Green DR, Olack G, Tütken T, Leichliter J, Winkler DE, Clauss M, Vonhof H and Colman AS 2022. A simple CO2 equilibration method for measuring blood oxygen isotope compositions. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 36, e9256.
(80) Weber K, Winkler DE, Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser TM and Tütken T 2022. Post–mortem enamel surface texture alteration during taphonomic processes—do experimental approaches reflect natural phenomena? PeerJ 10, e12635.
(79) Bourgon N, Jaouen K, Bacon A-M, Dufour E, McCormack J, Tran N-H, Trost M, Fiorillo D, Dunn TE, Zanolli C, Zachwieja A, Duringer P, Ponche J-L, Boesch Q, Antoine P-O, Westaway KE, Joannes–Boyau R, Suzzoni E, Frangeul S, Crozier F, Aubaile F, Patole-Edoumba E, Luangkhoth T, Souksavatdy V, Boualaphane S, Sayavonkhamdy T, Sichanthongtip P, Sihanam D, Demeter F, Shackelford LL, Hublin J-J and Tütken T 2021 Trophic ecology of a Late Pleistocene early modern human from tropical Southeast Asia inferred from zinc isotopes. Journal of Human Evolution 161, 103075.
(78) Frei J, Clauss M, Winkler D, Tütken T and Martin LF 2021. Use of running plates by floor housed rats: A pilot study. Laboratory Animals 55, 521–530.
(77) Weber K, Winkler DE, Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser TM and Tütken T 2021. The good, the bad and the ugly – A visual guide for common post-mortem wear patterns in vertebrate teeth. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 578, 110577.
(76) Winkler DE, Schulz-Kornas E, Rölle M, Codron D, Kaiser TM, Clauss M and Tütken T 2021. Dental microwear texture gradients in guinea pigs reveal that physical and mechanical properties of the diet affect chewing behaviour. Journal of Experimental Biology 224, jeb242446.
(75) Weber K, Weber M, Menneken M, Kral A, Mertz-Kraus R, Geisler-Wierwille T, Vogel J and Tütken T 2021. Diagenetic stability of non–traditional stable isotope systems (Ca, Sr, Mg, Zn) in tooth enamel – an in-vitro alteration experiment of biogenic apatite in isotopically enriched tracer solution. Chemical Geology 572, 120196.
(74) Kral AG, Ziegler A, Tütken T and Geisler T 2021. Influence of experimental aqueous alteration on cortical bone microarchitecture simulating early diagenetic conditions. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 9, 609496.
(73) Leichliter JN, Lüdecke T, Foreman AD, Duprey NN, Winkler DE, Kast ER, Vonhof H, Sigman DM, Haug GH, Clauss M, Tütken T and Martínez-García A 2021. Nitrogen isotopes in tooth enamel record diet and trophic level enrichment: results from a controlled feeding experiment with rodents. Chemical Geology 536, 120047.
(72) Weber K, Winkler DE, Kaiser TM, Zigaite, Z. and Tütken T 2021. Dental microwear texture analysis on extant and extinct sharks: ante- or post-mortem wear? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 56, 110147.
(71) Weber M, Tacail T, Lugli F, Clauss M, Weber K, Leichliter J, Winkler DE, Mertz-Kraus R and Tütken T 2020. Strontium uptake and intra-population 87Sr/86Sr variability of bones and teeth – controlled feeding experiments in rodents (Rattus norvegicus, Cavia porcellus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 569940.
(70) Tütken T, Weber M, Zohar I, Bourgon N, Helmy H, Lernau O, Jochum KP and Sisma–Ventura G 2020. Strontium and oxygen isotope analyses reveal Late Cretaceous shark teeth in Iron Age strata in the Southern Levant. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 570032.
(69) Merceron G, Berlioz E, Vonhof H, Green D, Garel M and Tütken T 2020. Tooth tales told by dental diet proxies: an alpine community of sympatric ruminants as a model to decipher the ecology of fossil fauna. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562, 110077.
(68) Winkler DE, Tütken T, Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser TM, Müller J, Leichliter L, Weber K, Hatt J-M and Clauss M 2020. Shape, size, and quantity of ingested mineral particles influence dental microwear texture formation in guinea pigs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 22264–22273.
(67) Winkler DE, Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser TM, Codron D, Leichliter J, Hummel J, Clauss M and Tütken T 2020. Timing of dental microwear texture formation: Testing the ”last supper” effect in small mammals in a controlled feeding experiment. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 557, 109930.
(66) Jaouen K, Trost M, Bourgon N, Colleter R, Le Cabec A, Tütken T, Oliveira RE, Pons ML, Méjean P, Steinbrenner S, Chmeleff J and Strauss A 2020. Zinc isotope variations in archeological human teeth (Lapa do Santo, Brazil) reveal dietary transitions in childhood and no contamination from gloves. PLoS ONE 15, e0232379.
(65) De Cuyper A, Winkler D, Tütken T, Janssens GPJ, Clauss M 2020. Fatty acids of microbial origin in the perirenal fat of rats (Rattus norvegicus domestica) and guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) fed various animal- and plant-based diets. Lipids 55, 341–351.
(64) Bourgon N, Jaouen K, Bacon A-M, Jochum K-P, Dufour E, Duringer P, Ponche J-L, Joannes-Boyeau R, Boesch Q, Antoine P-O, Hullot M, Weis U, Schulz-Kornas E, Trost M, Demeter F, Patole-Edoumba E, Shackelford L, Dunn T, Zachwieja A, Duangthongchit S, Sayavonkhamdy T, Sichanthongtip P, Sihanam D, Souksavatdy V, Hublin J-J and Tütken T 2020. Zinc isotopes in Late Pleistocene fossil teeth from a Southeast Asian cave setting preserve paleodietary information. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 4675–4681.
(63) Müller-Scheeßel N, Grupe G, Mühldorfer B and Tütken T 2020. The dead of the Dietersberg Cave, Germany: new insights into burial practices of the Iron Age from 14C-dates and stable isotope (C, N, O, Sr) analyses of human bones and teeth. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12, 68.
(62) Britton K, Pederzani S, Gaudzinski-Windheuser S, Roebroeks W, Kindler L, Richards MP and Tütken T 2019. Oxygen isotope analyses of Equus teeth evidences Eemian and Weichselian palaeotemperatures at Neumark-Nord 2, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Quaternary Science Reviews 226, 106029.
(61) Tatzel M, Vogel J, Rosner M, Henahan M and Tütken T 2019. Triple isotope fractionation exponents of elements measured by MC-ICP-MS – an example of Mg. Analytical Chemistry 91, 14314–14322.
(60) Martin LF, Winkler D, Tütken T, Codron D, De Cuyper A, Hatt J-M and Clauss M 2019. The way wear goes – phytolith-based wear on the dentine-enamel system in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286, 2019192.
(59) van Acken D, Tütken T, Daly J-S, Schmid-Röhl A and Orr PJ 2019. Rhenium-osmium geochronology of the Toarcian Posidonia Shale, SW Germany. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 534, 109294.
(58) Sisma-Ventura G, Tütken T, Peters S, Bialik MO, Zohar I and Pack A 2019. Past aquatic environments inferred from stable isotopes compositions of co-existing carbonate and phosphate fractions of fish tooth enameloid. PloS ONE 14, e0220390.
(57) Winkler DEW, Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser T and Tütken T 2019. Tooth wear in extant Lepidosauria reflects dietary traits despite limited mastication behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286, 20190544.
(56) Löffler N, Fiebig J, Mulch A, Tütken T, Schmidt BC, Bajnai D, Conrad AC, Wacker U and Böttcher ME 2019. Refining the temperature dependence of the oxygen and clumped isotopic composition of structurally bound carbonate in apatite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 253, 19-38.
(55) Böhm K, Winkler D, Kaiser T and Tütken T 2019. Experimental diagenetic alteration of diet-related enamel surface textures by fluvial sediment transport: a tumbling experiment using mammal teeth. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 518, 215-231.
(54) [pdf] Winkler D, Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser T, De Cuyper A, Clauss M and Tütken T 2019. Forage silica and water content control dental surface texture in guinea pigs: implications for diet reconstruction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, 1325-1330.
(53) [pdf] Sisma-Ventura G, Tütken T, Zohar I, Pack A, Sivan D, Lernau O, Gilboa A and Bar-Oz G 2018. Tooth oxygen isotopes reveal Late Bronze Age origin of Mediterranean fish aquaculture and trade. Scientific Reports 8, 14086.
(52) [pdf] Codron D, Clauss M, Codron J and Tütken T 2018. Within trophic level shifts in collagen-carbonate stable carbon isotope spacing are propagated by diet and digestive physiology in large mammal herbivores. Ecology and Evolution 8, 3983-3995.
(51) [pdf] Salvador RB, Tütken T, Tomotani BM, Berthold C and Rasser MW 2018. Paleoecological and isotopic analysis of fossil continental mollusks of Sandelzhausen (Miocene, Germany). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 92, 395-411.
(50) [pdf] Gigleux C, Grimes V, Tütken T, Knecht R and Britton K 2017. Reconstructing caribou seasonal biogeography in Little Ice Age (late Holocene) western Alaska using intra-tooth strontium and oxygen isotope analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, in press.
(49) [pdf] Sauer C, Hammer C, Bertelsen MF, Tütken T, Clauss M and Hammer S 2016. Quantitative macroscopic digestive tract anatomy of the beira (Dorcatragus megalotis). Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 4, 174-179.
(48) [pdf] Wacker U, Rutz T, Löffler N, Conrad AC, Tütken T, Böttcher ME and Fiebig J 2016. Clumped isotope thermometry of carbonate-bearing apatite: Revised sample pre-treatment, acid digestion, and temperature calibration. Chemical Geology 443, 97-110.
(47) [pdf] Walliser EO, Lohmann G, Niezgodzki I, Tütken T and Schöne BR 2016. Response of Central European SST to atmospheric pCO2 forcing during the Oligocene – A combined proxy data and numerical climate model approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 459, 552-569.
(46) [pdf] Pietsch S and Tütken T 2015. Oxygen isotope composition of North American bobcat and puma bone phosphate: Implications for provenance and climate reconstruction. Isotopes in Environmental Science and Health Studies 52, 164-184.
(45) [pdf] McCormack JM, Bahr A, Gerdes A, Tütken T and Prinz-Grimm P 2015. Preservation of successive diagenetic events in Middle Triassic bonebeds: evidence from in situ trace element and strontium isotope analysis of vertebrate fossils. Chemical Geology 410, 108-123.
(44) [pdf] Eagle RA, Enriquez M, Grellet-Tinner G., Hu D, Tütken T, Montanari S, Loyd SJ, Ramirez P, Tripati AK, Kohn M, Cerling THE, Chiappe LM, Eiler JM 2015. Isotopic (13C-18O) ordering in calcium carbonate eggshells reflects body temperatures and suggests differing thermophysiology in two Cretaceous dinosaurs. Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/ncomms9296.
(43) [pdf] Walliser EO, Schöne BR, Tütken T, Zirkel J, Grimm KI and Pross J 2015. The bivalve Glycymeris planicostalis as a high-resolution paleoclimate archive for the Rupelian (early Oligocene) of Central Europe. Climate of the Past 11, 653-668. Full text available here.
(42) [pdf] Britton K, Fuller BT, Tütken T, Mays S and Richards MP 2015. Oxygen isotope analysis of human bone phosphate evidences weaning in archaeological populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 157, 226-241.
(41) [pdf] Tütken T and Absolon J 2015. Late Oligocene ambient temperatures reconstructed by stable isotope analysis of terrestrial and aquatic vertebrate fossils of Enspel. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 95, 17-31
(40) [pdf] Wings O, Tütken T, Fowler DW, Martin T, Pfretzschner H-U and Ge S 2015. Dinosaur teeth from the Late Jurassic Qigu and Shishugou Formations of the Junggar Basin (Xinjiang/China) and their palaeoecologic implications. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 89, 485-502.
(39) [pdf] Maurer A-F, Person A, Tütken T, Amblard-Pison S and Segalen L 2014. Bone diagenesis in arid environments: an intra-skeletal approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 416, 17-29.
(38) [pdf] Tütken T 2014. Isotope compositions (C, O, Sr, Nd) of vertebrate fossils from the middle Eocene oil shale of Messel, Germany: implications for their taphonomy and palaeoenvironment. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 416, 17-29.
(37) [pdf] Wacker U, Fiebig J, Schöne BR, Bahr A, Friedrich O, Tütken T, Gischler E and Joachimski MM 2014. Empirical calibration of the clumped isotope paleothermometer using calcites of various origins. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141, 127-144.
(36) [pdf] Scherler L, Tütken T and Becker D 2014. Carbon and oxygen stable isotope compositions of late Pleistocene mammal teeth from dolines of the Ajoie (Northwestern Switzerland). Quaternary Research 82, 378-387.
(35) [pdf] Steuer P, Südekum K-H, Tütken T, Müller DWH, Kaandorp J, Bucher M, Clauss M and Hummel J 2014. Does body mass convey a digestive advantage for large herbivores? Functional Ecology 28, 1127-1134.
(34) [pdf] Dumont M, Tütken T, Kostka A, Duarte J and Borodin S 2014. Structural and functional characterization of enamel pigmentation in shrews. Journal of Structural Biology 186, 38-48.
(33) [pdf] Tütken T, Kaiser TM, Vennemann TW and Merceron G 2013. Opportunistic feeding strategy for the earliest Old World hypsodont equids: evidence from stable isotope and dental wear proxies. PloS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074463.
(32) [pdf] Fischer J, Schneider J, Voigt S, Joachimski M, Tichomirowa M, Tütken T, Götze J and Berner U 2013. Oxygen and strontium isotopes from fossil shark teeth: environmental and ecological implications for Late Palaeozoic European basins. Chemical Geology 342, 44-62.
(31) [pdf] Herwartz D, Tütken T, Jochum K-P and Sander PM 2013. REE systematics of fossil bone revealed by LA-ICPMS. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 103, 161-183.
(30) [pdf] Herwartz D, Münker C, Tütken T, Hoffmann JE, Wittke A and Barbier B 2013. Lu-Hf systematics of fossil biogenic apatite and their effects on geochronology. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 101, 328-343.
(29) [pdf] Gehler A, Tütken T and Pack A 2012. Oxygen and carbon isotope variations in a modern rodent community – Implications for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions. PloS ONE 7, e49531.
(28) [pdf] Maurer A-F, Galer SJG, Knipper C, Beierlein L, Nunn EV, Peters D, Tütken T, Alt KW and Schöne BR 2012. Bioavailable 87Sr/86Sr in different environmental samples - Effects of anthropogenic contamination and implications for isoscapes in past migration studies. Science of the Total Environment 433, 216-229.
(27) [pdf] Pietsch SJ, Hobson KA, Wassenaar LI and Tütken T 2011. Tracking cats: Problems with placing feline carnivores on δ18O, δD isoscapes. PloS ONE 6: e24601.
(26) [pdf] Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2011. Nd and Sr isotope compositions in modern and fossil bones - proxies for vertebrate provenance and taphonomy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 5951-5970.
(25) [pdf] Tütken T and Vennemann TW 2011. Fossil bones and teeth: Preservation or alteration of biogenic compositions? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 310, 1-8.
(24) [pdf] Eagle RA, Tütken T, Martin TS, Tripati AK, Fricke HC, Connely M, Cifelli RL and Eiler JM 2011. Dinosaur body temperatures determined from isotopic (13C-18O) bond ordering in fossil biominerals. Science 333, 443-445.
(23) [pdf] Gehler A, Tütken T and Pack A 2011. Triple oxygen isotope analysis of bioapatite as tracer for diagenetic alteration of bones and teeth. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 310, 84-91.
(22) [pdf] Pfretzschner H-U and Tütken T 2011. Rolling bones - Taphonomy of Jurassic dinosaur bones inferred from diagenetic microcracks and mineral infillings. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 310, 117-123.
(21) [pdf] [pdf] Bocherens H, Stiller M, Hobson KA, Pacher M, Rabeder G, Burns JA, Tütken T and Hofreiter M 2011. Niche partition between two sympatric genetically distinct cave bears (Ursus spelaeus and Ursus ingressus) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) from Austria: isotopic evidence from fossil bones. Quaternary International 245, 238-248.
(20) [pdf] Sander PM, Christian A, Clauss M, Fechner R, Gee C, Griebeler E-M, Gunga H-C, Hummel J, Mallison H, Perry S, Preuschoft H, Rauhut O, Remes K, Tütken T, Wings O and Witzel U 2011. Biology of the sauropod dinosaurs: the evolution of gigantism. Biological Reviews 86, 117-155.
(19) [pdf] Heuser A, Tütken T, Gussone N and Galer SJG 2011. Calcium isotopes of fossil bones and teeth — diagenetic versus biogenic origin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 3419-3433.
(18) [pdf] Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C, Jochum K-P, Stoll B and Sander PM 2011. Timescales and mechanisms of REE and Hf uptake in fossil bones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 82-105.
(17) [pdf] Tütken, T. (2011): The diet of sauropod dinosaurs – Implications from carbon isotope analysis of teeth, bones, and plants. In: Klein, N., Remes, K., Gee, C. T. and Sander, P. M. (eds.): Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: Understanding the life of giants. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp 57-79.
(16) [pdf] Klug S, Tütken T, Wings O, Sun G and Martin, T 2010. A Late Jurassic freshwater shark assemblage (Chondrichthyes, Hybodontiformes) from the southern Junggar Basin (Xinjiang, NW China). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 90, 241-257.
(15) [pdf] Müller S, Tarasova PE, Andreev AA, Tütken T, Gartz S and Diekmann B 2010: Late Quaternary vegetation and environments 1 in the Verkhoyansk Mountains region (NE Asia) reconstructed from a 50-kyr fossil pollen record from Lake Billyakh. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 2071-2086.
(14) [pdf] Eagle RA, Schauble EA, Tripati AK, Tütken T, Hulbert RC and Eiler JM 2010. Body temperatures of modern and extinct vertebrates from 13C-18O bond abundances in bioapatite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, 10377-10382.
(13) [pdf] Schöne BR, Zhang Z, Jacob D, Gillikin DP, Tütken T, Garbe-Schönberg D, McConnaughey T and Soldati A 2010. Effect of organic matrices on the determination of the trace element chemistry (Mg, Sr, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) of aragonitic bivalve shells (Arctica islandica) – comparison of ICP-OES and LA-ICP-MS data. Geochemical Journal 44, 23-37.
(12) [pdf] Zacke A, Voigt S, Joachimski M, Gale A, Ward D and Tütken T 2009. Surface water freshening and high-latitude river discharge in the Eocene North Sea. Journal of the Geological Society 166, 969-980.
(11) [pdf] Klein N, Scheyer T and Tütken T 2009. Skeletochronology and isotopic analysis of a captive individual of Alligator mississippiensis Daudin, 1802. Fossil Record 12, 121-131
(10) [pdf] Tütken T and Vennemann TW 2009. Stable isotope ecology of Miocene mammals of Sandelzhausen, Germany. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 83, 207-226
(9) [pdf] Kocsis L, Vennemann TW, Hegner E, Fontignie D and Tütken T 2009. Constraints on the paleoceanography and paleoclimate of the Miocene north Alpine Molasse, Vienna and Pannonian Basins: records of the O-, Sr-, and Nd-isotope composition of marine fish and mammal remains. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271, 117-129.
(8) [pdf] Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2008. Early diagenesis of bone and tooth apatite in fluvial and marine settings: Constraints from combined oxygen isotope, nitrogen and REE analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 266, 254-268.
(7) [pdf] Tütken T, Langenegger E and Wild W 2008. Einheimisch oder fremd? Isotopenanalyse einer Frau des 9. Jh. n. Chr. aus Elsau, Kanton Zürich, Schweiz. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 66, 1-32.
(6) [pdf] Tütken T, Furrer H and Vennemann TW 2007. Stable isotope compositions of mammoth teeth from Niederweningen, Switzerland: Implications for the Late Pleistocene climate, environment and diet. Quaternary International 164-165, 139-150.
(5) [pdf] Tütken T, Vennemann TW, Janz H and Heizmann HEP 2006. Palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimate of the Middle Miocene lake in the Steinheim basin, SW Germany, a reconstruction from C, O, and Sr isotopes of fossil remains. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 241, 457-491.
(4) [pdf] Tütken T, Pfretzschner H-U, Vennemann TW, Sun G and Wang YD 2004. Paleobiology and Skeletochronology of Jurassic Dinosaurs: Implications from the histology and oxygen isotope compositions of bones. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 206, 217-238.
(3) [pdf] Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2004. Analyse stabiler und radiogener Isotope in archäologischem Skelettmaterial: Herkunftsbestimmung des karolingischen Maultiers von Frankenthal und Vergleich mit spätpleistozänen Großsäugerknochen aus den Rheinablagerungen. Prähistorische Zeitschrift 79, 89-110.
(2) [pdf] Tütken T, Eisenhauer A, Wiegand B and Hansen BT 2002. Glacial-interglacial cycles in Sr and Nd isotopic composition of Arctic marine sediments triggered by the Svalbard/Barents Sea ice sheet. Marine Geology 182, 351-372.
(1) [pdf] Eisenhauer A, Meyer H, Rachold V, Tuetken T, Wiegand B, Hansen BT, Spielhagen RF, Lindemann F and Kassens H 1999. Grain size separation and sediment mixing in Arctic Ocean sediments; evidence from the strontium isotope systematic. Chemical Geology 158, 173-188.
(7) [pdf] Wittkopp B, Vohberger M, Tütken T, Tabares X, Sudhaus D, Stika H-P, Schütt R, Niggemeyer J, Krause-Kyora B, Jungklaus B, Jahns S, Hanik S, Gruppe G, Eickhoff S, Civis G 2017. Die Nachbarn von Düppel – das mittelalterliche Dorf Diepensee. Journal Archäologie Geschichte Naturkunde Düppel 14-38
(6) [pdf] Müller-Scheeßel N, Grupe G and Tütken T 2015. In der Obhut von Verwandten? Die Zirkulation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Eisenzeit Mitteleuropas. In: (Hrsg.) R. Karl, J. Leskovar; Interpretierte Eisenzeiten. Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie. Tagungsbeiträge der 6. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie, Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich 42, 9-24
(5) [pdf] Karl H-V, Lindow BEK and Tütken T 2012. Miocene Leatherback turtle material of the genus Psephophorus (Testudines: Dermochelyoidea) from the Gram Formation (Denmark). Studia Palaeocheloniologica 4, 247-258
(4) [pdf] Tütken T 2010. Die Isotopenanalyse fossiler Skelettreste – Bestimmung der Herkunft und Mobilität von Menschen und Tieren. In: H. Meller and K.W. Alt (Hrsg.), Anthropologie, Isotopie und DNA – biografische Annäherung an namenlose vorgeschichtliche Skelette. Tagungsband 2. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag. Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle 3, 33-51.
(3) [pdf] Reimann CK and Tütken T 2009. Isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der Ernährungsgewohnheiten frühholozäner Menschen in der Oberrheinebene. Darmstädter Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte 16, 147-159.
(2) [pdf] Tütken T, Knipper C and Alt KW 2008. Mobilität und Migration im archäologischen Kontext: Informationspotential von Multi-Element-Isotopenanalysen (Sr, Pb, O). In: Kulturwandel in Mitteleuropa Langobarden – Awaren – Slawen, Akten der Internationalen Tagung in Bonn vom 25. bis 28. Februar, Hrsg.: Jan Bemmann and Michael Schmauder, Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte 11, 13-42.
(1) [pdf] Emery E, Tütken T, Becker D, Bucher S, Flückiger PF and Berger J-P 2007. Rickenbach unter der Tropen…vor 25 Millionen Jahren. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft des Kantons Solothurn 40, 53-63.
(3) Tütken T 2003. Die Bedeutung der Knochenfrühdiagenese für die Erhaltungsfähigkeit in vivo erworbener Element- und Isotopenzusammensetzungen in fossilen Knochen. Universität Tübingen, 343 p. Online Dissertation.
(2) Tütken T 1998. Mittelproterozoische Magmatite, Metamorphite und Migmatite des Transskandinavischen Magmatitgürtels, E´ von Västrum, SE Schweden. Unpublished Diploma map and report, 62 p., Universität Göttingen.
(1) Tütken T 1998. Sr- und Nd-Isotopenmessungen an marinen Sedimenten als Tracer für die zeitliche und räumliche Variation der spätquartären Sedimentation im östlichen Arktischen Ozean. Unpublished Diploma thesis, 127 p., Universität Göttingen.
(122) Burgogne N, Jaouen K, Tütken T 2018. Zinc isotopes in fossil teeth and their use as dietary tracer: evidences from a multi-isotopes study. Frontiers in Archaeological Sciences2, 27.8.-29.8.2018, Burnaby, Canada.
(121) Tatzel M, Vogl J, Rosner M, Tütken T 2018. How to measure the three-isotope composition of metal(oid) elements by MC-ICP-MS. 13. Symposium „Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse“ 3.9.-6.9.2018, Berlin.
(120) Burgogne N, Jaouen K, Tütken T 2018. Zinc isotopes as a dietary indicator for archaeology and paleontology: Insights from a Southeast Asian Late Pleistocene food web. European Society for the study of Human Evolution, 13.9.-15.9.2018, Faro, Portugal.
(119) Winkler D.E., Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser TM, Tütken T 2018. First 3D enamel surface texture analysis of extant Squamata and Crocodylia. GEO Bonn 3.9.-6.9.2018, Bonn.
(118) Winkler DE, Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser TM, De Cuyper A, Clauss M, Tütken T 2018. Dental 3D surface texture in guinea pigs fed fresh or dried forages reflects phytolith content and plant material properties. 5th International Palaeontological Congress, 9.7.-13.7.2018, Paris.
(117) Böhm K, Winkler DE, Kaiser TM, Tütken T 2018. Diagenetic alteration of dental surface textures by sediment transport: a tumbling experiment. 5th International Palaeontological Congress, 9.7.-13.7.2018, Paris.
(116) Tütken T, Hellmund M, Galer SJG 2018. Diet and trophic level reconstruction of extinct avian and non-avian dinosaurs using Ca isotopes. 13th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystem, 20.7.-23.7.2018 Bonn. (Talk)
(115) Böhm K, Winkler DE, Kaiser TM, Fröbisch J, Tütken T 2018. Dental microwear texture analysis: a taphonomically robust dietary proxy for reptiles? 13th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystem, 20.7.-23.7.2018 Bonn.
(114) Maurer AF, Knipper C, Winger D, Galer SJG, Rosner M, von Freeden, U, Alt KW, Tütken T, Schöne, BR 2018. Comparison of Sr isotope ratios in a large set of environmental samples from various locations in Central Europe. 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 5.9.-8.9.2018 Barcelona.
(113) Van Acken D, Tütken T, Daly JS, Orr PJ 2018. Influence of bioturbation on the Re-Os systematics of black shales. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2018, Goldschmidt Conference 12.8.-17.8.2018, Boston.
(112) Bourgon N, Jaouen K, Bacon AM, Dufour E, Demeter F, Antoine PO, Boesch Q, Duringer P, Patole-Edoumba E, Ponche JL, Shackelford L, Duangthongchit S, Sayavonkhamdy T, Sichanthongtip P, Souksavatdy D, Souksavatdy V, Hublin JJ, Tütken T 2018. Preservation and variation of diet-related zinc isotope in a Late Pleistocene food web: perspectives on a new dietary tracer. 8th International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology ISBA 2018, 18.9.-21.9.2018, Jena.
(111) Irit Z, Sisma-Ventura G, Tütken T, Bar Oz G 2018. The “Blue revolution”: Early evidence for fish proto-aquaculture and trade along the Eastern Mediterranean. COST.
(110) De Cuyper A, Winkler D, Tütken T, Janssens G and Clauss M 2018. Bamboo utilization in a hindgut fermenter, the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). 22nd European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition (ESVCN) Congress, 6.9.-8.9.2018, Munich.
(109) Winkler DE, Tütken T 2017. A combined dental wear and isotope approach for dietary reconstruction in extant and extinct reptiles with a focus on Crocodilia. 17th International Symposium on Dental Morphology & 2nd congress of International Association for Paleodontology 4.10.‐7.10.2017 Bordeaux.
(108) Tütken T, Böhm K, Mertz-Kraus R, Geisler-Wierwille T 2017. In vitro alteration of tooth enamel in isotope tracer solutions. 8th Bone Diagenesis Meeting, 12.9.-15.9.2017, Oxford. (Talk)
(107) Böhm K, Tütken T Winkler DE, Kaiser TM 2017. Diagenetic alteration of dental surface textures by sediment transport: a tumbling experiment. 8th Bone Diagenesis Meeting, 12.9.-15.9.2017, Oxford.
(106) Tütken T 2016. Developing diet proxies for insectivory: enamel surface texture and calcium isotope analysis of bats. Networking Meeting, A. v. Humboldt Foundation 5.10.-7.10.2016, Freiburg.
(105) Tütken T and Hone D 2016. The foraging ecology of pterosaurs - implications from stable isotope analysis. PalASS Meeting, Lyon 14.-16.12.2016. (Invited Talk)
(104) Tütken T, Held P, Hellmund M and Galer SJG 2016. Calcium isotope analysis of fossil bones: The Paleogene giant flightless bird Gastornis was a herbivore. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Program and Abstracts, 2016, 4. (Poster)
(103) Michelle A, Britton K and Tütken T 2016. Exploring the potential of oxygen isotopes in human skeletal remains: a multi-tissue approach. 22nd Annual Meeting of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), 31.8.-4.9.2016 Vilnius.
(102) Walliser EO, Tütken T, Schöne BR, Niezgodzki I and Lohmann G 2015. CO2-driven short-term climate variability during the Oligocene of Central Europe. Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Jahrestagung Schiffweiler 14.-17.9.2015.
(101) Britton K, Tütken T, Gaudzinski-Windheuser S, Roebroek W, Kindler L and Richards MP 2015. Oxygen isotope analyses of Equus teeth evidences Eemian and Weichselian palaeotemperatures Neumark Nord 2, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. European Society for the study of Human Evolution, 5th Annual Meeting, London 10.-13.9.2015.
(100) Tütken T, Held P, Herrmann S and Galer SJG 2015. Combined 88/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr in Bones and Teeth: A Toolbox for Diet and Habitat Reconstruction. Goldschmidt Conference, Prag, Gold2015:abs: 3579. (Talk)
(99) Wacker U, Löffler N, Rutz T, Conrad AC, Tütken T, Böttcher ME and Fiebig J 2015. Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Carbonate-Bearing Apatites: Digestion Techniques and Calibrations. Goldschmidt Conference, Prag, Gold2015:abs: 2566.
(98) Tütken T 2015. Dinosaur teeth – unlocking a geochemical archive to Jurassic Park. Terrifying Teeth from the Mesozoic – On Land, Under Water and in the Sky. 23.01.2015 Museon, Den Haag, Program p. 8-9. (Invited Talk)
(97) Walliser E, Schöne BRS and Tütken T 2014. Shallow water temperature oscillations in the Central European epicontinental seaway (Mainz Basin) during the Oligocene – A shell-based reconstruction. GSA Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia 19.-22.10.2014. Final Program Abstract 244695.
(96) Stamm FM, Tütken T, Heuser A, Bernard A, Nagel T and Geisler T 2014. Experimental alteration of bone in acidic solutions. 92. DMG-Jahrestagung, Jena 21-24.9.2014.
(95) den Ouden N, van Oostrom R, Tütken T, van der Plicht J, Kuitems M and de Vos J 2014. Contamination study: a possibly Holocene mammoth tooth appears to be from just another old mammoth. VIth International Conference on Mammoths and their Relatives, Grevena, 5.-12.5.2014, Siatista.
(94) Tütken T 2014. Isotope compositions (C, O, Sr) of vertebrate fossils from the Middle Eocene oil shale of Messel, Germany: implications for their taphonomy and palaeoenvironment. SVP 74 Annual Meeting, Berlin 5-8.11.2014 (Poster)
(93) Žigaite Z, Kear B, Tütken T, Whitehouse M, Jochimski MM, Jeffries T and Blom H 2014. Oxygen isotope records in fossil bioapatite reveal southern high-latitude low-temperature environment during the Early Cretaceous. 24ième Reunion Sciences de la Terre, Pau 27-31.10.2014.
(92) Müller-Scheeßel N, Grupe G and Tütken T 2014. The usage of the Dietersberg cave during the Early Iron Age: old theories tested by new methods. European Association of Archaeologists, 20th Annual Meeting, Istanbul 10.-14.9.2014.
(91) Tütken T 2014. Non-traditional isotope approaches to infer the (thermo-)physiology of fossil vertebrates. 3rd International Congress of Respiratory Science, Bad Honnef 6-10.7.2014. (Talk, invited)
(90) Walliser EO, Zirkel J, Tütken T and Schöne BR 2014. Seasonal sea surface temperature oscillations during the Upper Rupelian of Central Europe. A case study from the Mainz Basin (Germany) and future perspectives. Molasse Meeting, Mainz 23.-24.5.2014.
(89) Zigaite Z, Kear B, Joachimski MM, Tütken T, Whitehouse M, Blom H 2013. Geochemistry of dental bioapatite, the key to palaeoclimate. Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting, 361.
(88) Eagle R, Enriquez M, Grellet-Tinner G, Tütken T and Eiler J 2013. Measuring the body temperature of a dinosaur? The potential for paleophysiological studies from the analysis of 13C-18O ordering in fossil biominerals. SVP Program and Abstracts 119.
(87) Stamm FM, Tütken T, Heuser A, Bernard A, Nagel T, Geisler T 2013. Experimental alteration of bone in acidic solutions. 7th International Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Lyon 22-25.10.2013. Abstract volume, p. 45.
(86) Tütken T 2013. Preservation of pristine stable isotope signatures (C, O, Sr) in 47 Myr-old enamel from Eocene oil shales of Messel, Germany. 7th International Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Lyon 22-25.10.2013. Abstract volume, p. 19. (Talk)
(85) Bernard A, Tütken T and Gerdes A 2013. Boron isotopes in bones and teeth: a new proxy for dietary reconstructions and its resistance to diagenetic alteration. 7th International Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Lyon 22.-25.10.2013. Abstract volume, p. 48.(84) Walliser EO, Schöne BR, Zirkel J and Tütken T 2013. Subseasonal to inter-annual seawater temperature variability during the Rupelian (Early Oligocene) of the Mainz Basin, Germany. Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Jahrestagung Göttingen 23.-27.9.2013.(83) Bernard A, Tütken T, Gerdes A 2013. Boron isotopes in bones and teeth: a new proxy for dietary reconstructions and its resistance to diagenetic alteration. 7th International Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Lyon 22-25.10.2013. Abstract volume, p. 48.(82) Tütken T, Held P, Galer SJG 2013. Isotopes in vertebrate bioapatite: proxies for climate, pCO2 and diet. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, 25.-30.5.2013 (Keynote Talk)
(81) Tütken T 2013. Skeletochronology and beyond – reading fossil bones and teeth; histological and geochemical archives for life history. 3rd International Sclerochronology Meeting, Bangor, 18.-22.5.2013 (Keynote Talk)
(80) Tütken T 2013. Stable isotope compositions of fossil vertebrate remains and their potential for palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Sino-German Symposium: Late Cenozoic Environmental Change in Eastern Eurasia and Its impact on Past and Present Biodiversity, Xishuangbanna, China. 19.-25.3.2013 (Talk, invited)
(79) Enriquez MV, Eagle R, Eiler JM, Tripati AK, Ramirez PC, Loyd SJ, Chiappe L, Montanari S., Norell M, Tuetken T 2012. Assessment of diagenetic alteration of dinosaur eggshells through petrography and geochemical analysis. ED23B-0771 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.
(78) Tütken T 2012. Exceptional geochemical preservation of 47 Myr-old vertebrate remains from the Eocene Messel Pit, Germany? Terra Nostra 2012/3, P. 180. (Talk)
(77) Soler-Gijón R, Tütken T and Witzmann F 2012. The phosphate nodules associated to skeletons of the Triassic temnospondyl Plagiosuchus pustuliferus – biogenic versus diagenetic origin? Terra Nostra 2012/3, P. 169.
(76) Rutz T, Tütken T, Wacker U and Fiebig J 2012. Readdressing the calibration of the ‘clumped isotope’ paleothermometer for bioapatites. European Mineralogical Conference, Vol. 1, EMC2012-376.
(75) Gehler A, Tütken T and Pack A 2012. Oxygen isotope analysis of skeletal bioapatite of modern rodents - implications for (palaeo-)climatic studies. European Mineralogical Conference, Vol. 1, EMC2012-717-1.
(74) Herwartz D, Münker C, Tütken T, Hoffmann JE, Wittke A and Barbier B 2012. Fossil bones in action – uptake, loss and redistribution of REE and Hf. European Mineralogical Conference, Vol. 1, EMC2012-474.
(73) Dumont M, Kostka A and Tütken T 2012. Early diagenesis in Late Jurassic sauropod teeth revealed by transmission electron microscopy. Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa, PSSA’2012 BIENNIAL CONFERENCE 5 – 8 September 2012.
(72) Tütken T and Vennemann TW 2012. Tertiary climate in Central Europe inferred from δ18Op analysis of fossil mammal teeth from Germany and Switzerland. IsoPhos Meeting, Ascona 24.-29.6.2012. (Talk)
(71) Tütken T and Vennemann TW 2012. Tertiary climate in Molasse basin inferred from δ18Op analysis of fossil mammal teeth from Germany and Switzerland. Molasse Meeting, Vienna 27.4.-38.4.2012. (Talk)
(70) Tütken T, Turck R and Zeeb-Lanz A 2012. Provenance of butchered human individuals discovered in the exceptional Neolithic site of Herxheim, SW Germany: Evidence from phosphate oxygen isotope analysis of human teeth. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-4711-2. (Talk)
(69) Tütken T and Poppe H 2011. Paleoenvironment and habitat of Late Miocene mammals from Höwenegg, SW Germany inferred from O, C and Sr isotope compositions of fossil teeth. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. 212 (Talk, invited)
(68) Broska J, Tütken T, Galer SJG, Held P and Alt KW 2011. Assessing calcium isotopes as a dietary proxy for terrestrial vertebrates. Mineralogical Magazine 75, 585.
(67) Herwartz D, Tütken T, Jochum KP and Sander M 2011. REE in fossil biogenic apatite. Mineralogical Magazine 75, 1017.
(66) Tütken T 2011. Fossilisation processes and timescales of bones and teeth – implications for geochemcial reconstructions of palaeoenvironment and taphonomy. 6th International Meeting on Taphonomy and Fossilization. Tübingen, June 14-17, 2011. (Keynote)
(65) Pietsch S and Tütken T 2011. Wild cats forensics: Multi-isotope fingerprinting as a tool to trace the geographic origin of North American felids. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-10943-1.
(64) Tütken T, Eagle RA, Heuser A, Herwartz D and Galer SJG 2011. Non-traditional isotope analysis of fossil bones and teeth – Preservation of biogenic compositions or diagenetic alteration? Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-12976. (Keynote)
(63) Santillan JD, Boyce JW, Eagle RA, Martin T, Tütken T and Eiler JM 2010. X-ray tomography as a non-destructive tool for evaluating the preservation of primary isotope signatures and mineralogy of Mesozoic fossils. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract V43F-06.
(62) Tütken T and Herwartz D 2010. Timescales of REE and element uptake into fossil bones – Implications for palaeoenvironmental and taphonomic reconstructions. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 160. (Talk, invited)
(61) Tütken T 2010. Isotope analysis of Eocene vertebrate remains from the Messel Pit, Germany – Preservation of original compositions? Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 68, 559. (Talk)
(60) Broska J, Tütken T and Alt K 2010. Assessing calcium isotopes as dietary proxy for terrestrial vertebrates. SVP Program and Abstracts A65.
(59) Heuser A, Tütken T, Gussone N and Galer SJG 2010. Calcium isotopes of fossil bones and teeth – biogenic versus diagenetic origin. DMG 2010 Abstracts P154.
(58) Pietsch S and Tütken T 2010. Tracing the geographic origin of felids with multi-isotope fingerprinting: A case study of North American bobcats and pumas. VII ISOECOL Meeting, Fairbanks 8.-13.8.2010.
(57) Tütken T 2010. Fossil bones and teeth: geochemical and histological archives for life history and palaeobiology. Terra Nostra 2010/3, 82. 2nd Sclerochronology Meeting, 24-28 July, Mainz (Keynote)
(56) Eagle R, Schauble E, Tripati A, Tütken T, Fricke H, Hulburt R and Eiler J 2010. Clumped isotope’ thermometry in bioapatite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (12), Supplement 1, A256.
(55) Scherler L, Tütken T, Vennemann T, Becker D and Berger J-P 2010. Palaeoecological considerations in Oligocene vertebrates of Western Europe — C and O stable isotope compositions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (12), Supplement 1, A921.
(54) Müller S, Tarasov PE, Andreev AA, Tütken T, Gartz S and Diekmann B 2010. 50-kyr vegetation history in the western Verkhoyansk Mountains region (NE Asia) reconstructed from fossil pollen data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-4581-1.
(53) Eagle R, Schauble EA, Tripati AK, Fricke HC, Tuetken T and Eiler JM 2009. A paleothermometer based on abundances of 13C-18O bonds in bioapatite: Calibration and reconstruction of the body temperatures of extinct Cenozoic mammals and Mesozoic dinosaurs. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Abstract PP31B-1342.
(52) Scherler L Tütken T, Becker D and Berger J-P 2009. Terrestrial palaeoclimatical and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in Northwestern Switzerland: carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of Early Oligocene and Late Pleistocene vertebrate remains. 7th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Neuchâtel 20.-21.11.2009.
(51) Tütken T 2009. Dinosaur bones and teeth – a geochemical archive to Jurassic Park. Japanese-German Frontiers of Science (JAGFoS) Symposium. Tokio 20.10.-1.11.2009. (Poster)
(50) Tütken T 2009. Die Isotopenanalyse fossiler Skelettreste – Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der Archäologie und Paläontologie. 2. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag, Halle 8.-10.10.2009. (Public lecture)
(49) Tütken T 2009. Isotope analysis a tool to reconstruct the behaviour and environment of early humans. Symposium and workshops “Human expansions and Global Change in the Pleistocene – Methods and Problems”. Frankfurt a. M., 16.-20.11.2009. Program and abstracts, 49-50. (Keynote)
(48) Tütken T and Poppe H 2009. Palaeoecology and habitat of the Late Miocene mammals from Höwenegg (MN 9): Implications of isotope (O, C, Sr) compositions of fossil teeth. Terra Nostra 2009/3, 116. (Poster)
(47) Gehler A, Kröger M, Tütken T and Pack A 2009. Oxygen triple isotope composition as a new tracer for tooth and bone diagenesis of fossil vertebrates. 6th Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Bonn 18.-21.9.2009.
(46) Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C and Sander PM 2009. The timescales of REE uptake in fossil bone: Implications for Lu-Hf geochronology. 6th Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Bonn 18.-21.9.2009.
(45) Heuser A, Tütken T and Galer SJG 2009. Calcium isotopes (44/40Ca) of fossil bones and teeth – biogenic versus diagenetic origin. 6th Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Bonn 18.-21.9.2009.
(44) Tütken T, Rollion-Bard C and Sander PM 2009. Ion probe intra-bone oxygen isotope analysis – implications for archosaur growth and biomineralization. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29 (suppl. to 3), A193-A194. (Talk)
(43) Heuser A, Tütken T and Galer SJG 2009. Calcium isotope systematics of dinosaur Teeth. 19th Goldschmidt Conference, Davos 21. -26.06.2009. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (13), Supplement 1, A528.
(42) Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C and Sander PM 2009. Lu-Hf dating of biogenic phosphates - prospects and pitfalls. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (13), Supplement 1, A527.
(41) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2009. Nd isotopes in modern and fossil bones – tracers for provenance and diagenesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (13), Supplement 1, A1356. (Talk)
(40) Becker D, Scherler L, Tütken T, Aubry D and Detrey J. 2008. The Late Pleistocene mammalian fauna from Ajoie (Northwestern Switzerland): stratigraphy, taphonomy, palaeoecology. 6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lugano 21.-23.11.2008.
(39) Herwartz D. Tütken T, Münker C, Sander PM, Stoll B and Jochum KP 2008. Trace element and REE distribution in fossil bone – implications for Lu-Hf dating of diagenesis. Jahrestagung Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, Berlin 15.-17.9.2008.
(38) Tütken T, Heuser A and Herwartz D 2008. Fossilisation of bones and teeth – which information is lost, which preserved? Erlanger geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 6, 67-68. (Keynote)
(37) Tütken T, Gee C, Sander M and Hummel J 2008. The diet of sauropods: implications from carbon isotope compositions of potential food plants and skeletal remains. 12th International Palynological Congress / 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference, Bonn 31.8.-5.9.2008. Terra Nostra 2008/2, 287. (Poster)
(36) Tütken T, Kaiser T and Vennemann TW 2008. Diet and habitat of Upper Miocene Hippotherium primigenium (Perissodactyla, Equidae) of central Europe: implications from stable isotope and mesowear analyses of teeth. Molasse Meeting, Stuttgart 16.-17.5.2008. (Talk)
(35) Poppe H and Tütken T 2008. Palaeoecology and habitat of the mammals from Höwenegg (MN 9): Implications of isotope (O, C, Sr) compositions of teeth. Molasse Meeting, Stuttgart 16.-17.5.2008.
(34) Tütken T and Mörs T 2008. Isotope fingerprinting of the first Tertiary land mammal from Scandinavia. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver 13.-18.7.2008. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, (12), Supplement 1, A 963 (Talk)
(33) Heuser A, Tütken T, Gussone N and Galer SJG 2008. δ44/40Ca of fossil bones and teeth – ontogenetic versus diagenetic origin. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver 13.-18.7.2008. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, (12), Supplement 1, A 374
(32) Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C, Sander PM, Stoll B and Jochum KP 2008. Concentration profiles of trace elements in fossil dinosaur bone. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver 13.-18.7.2008. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, (12), Supplement 1, A 373.
(31) Kalthoff DC and Tütken T 2007. Stable isotope compositions of extant xenarthran teeth and their potential for the reconstruction of the diet of fossil xenarthrans (Mammalia). 8th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, ICVM 8 - Abstracts: 62.
(30) Tütken T, Rollion-Bard C and Sander M 2007. Intra-bone oxygen isotope seasonality patterns – a promising new approach for vertebrate skeletochronology? 1st Sclerochronology Conference (17.-20.3.2007, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA). (Keynote)
(29) Tütken T, Rollion-Bard C and Sander M 2007. Bone oxygen isotope profiles (SIMS, Micromill) −Implications for archosaur growth and biomineralization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, (15), Supplement 1, A1043. (Talk)
(28) Tütken T 2007. Geochemistry of fossil bones and teeth – reconstruction of past environments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, (15), Supplement 1, A1043. (Keynote)
(27) Wings O, Sander PM, Tütken T, Fowler DW and Sun G 2007. Growth and life history of Asia´s largest dinosaur. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27, (suppl. to 3), A167.
(26) Kalthoff DC and Tütken T 2007. Stable isotope and elemental compositions of extant xenarthran teeth and their potential as diet and habitat proxies of fossil xenarthrans (Mammalia). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27, (suppl. to 3), A97.
(25) Tütken T, Sander M and Hummel J 2006. The diet of sauropod dinosaurs – carbon isotope compositions of fossil bones and potential food plants. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26, (suppl. to 3), 134A. (Poster)
(24) Tütken T and Vennemann TW 2006. A 30 Ma record of palaeoclimate for Central Europe on the basis of stable isotope compositions of Middle Eocene to Late Miocene mammal teeth from the Molasse Basin. Molasse Meeting (5.-6.5.2006, Geneva, Switzerland). (Talk)
(23) Vennemann TW, Tütken T, Kocsis L and Mullis J 2005. Changes in the Circum-Alpine Climate as a Function of the Alpine Upliftment: Constraints from Isotopic Compositions of Fossils, Sediments, and Vein Quartz. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T31E-01.
(22) Vennemann TW, Tütken T, Kocsis L and Mullis J 2005. Changes in the north-Alpine climate as a function of the Alpine upliftment: constraints from isotopic compositions of fossils and sediments of the Molasse, and Alpine vein quartz. 3rd Swiss Geoscience Meeting SGM (18.-19.11.2005, Zurich, Switzerland).
(21) Tütken T and Vennemann TW 2005. A 20 Ma record of paleoclimate for Central Europe and mammalian paleodiet on the basis of stable isotope compositions of Oligocene/Miocene mammal teeth from the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 37, 7, p. 459. (Talk)
(20) Tütken T, Pfretzschner H-U and Vennemann TW 2005. Early diagenesis of bone and tooth phosphate: Implications from isotopic and elemental compositions of Late Pleistocene mammal remains from fluvial, marine, and permafrost settings. 5th International Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Beyond Documenting Diagenesis, Cape Town, Abstract Vol, p. 50. (Talk)
(19) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2005. Oxygen isotope composition of bone and tooth phosphate – a proxy for palaeoclimate and the influence of diagenesis. First international workshop on taphonomy and biochemistry applied to human and environmental sciences, Paris, Topic: Is the geochemical record of ecological and biological signals in skeletal remains reliable enough? Abstract-Volume, pp. 21-22. (Talk)
(18) Tütken T, Vennemann TW, Janz H and Heizmann EPJ 2005. Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions for the impact-crater lake of the Steinheim Basin, Middle Miocene, SW Germany: a multi-proxy stable isotope approach on phosphatic and carbonaceous fossil skeletal remains. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, EGU05-A05672. (Poster)
(17) Tütken T, Vennemann TW, Janz H and Heizmann EPJ 2004. Palaeoclimate reconstruction for the Middle Miocene using the oxygen isotope compositions of mammal teeth and biogenic carbonates from the Steinheim and Molasse basins. 2nd Swiss Geoscience Meeting SGM, Abstract Volume, pp. 314-315. (Talk)
(16) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Janz H 2004. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction from stable isotopic compositions of fossil skeletal remains of the Middle Miocene freshwater Steinheim basin, SW Germany. Geological Society of America, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 36, A13-3, 37. (Talk)
(15) Tütken T, Kocsis L and Vennemann TW 2004. Palaeoclimatic and palaeoceanographic reconstructions for the Molasse Basin: application of multiple isotope proxies on fossil skeletal remains and sediments. Molasse Meeting, Freiburg, Abstracts. (Talk)
(14) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2003. Isotopenzusammensetzung (O, Sr, Nd) oligozäner Seekuhknochen und Haizähne aus dem Unteren Meeressand, Rückschlüsse auf die Paläozeanographie des Mainzer Beckens. Terra Nostra, 03/3, 159-160. (Talk)
(13) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2003. Oxygen isotope composition of bone and tooth phosphate – a palaeoclimate proxy for the terrestrial and marine fossil record and its diagenetic alteration. 1st Swiss Geoscience Meeting SGM (28.-29.11.2003, Basel, Switzerland) Abstract Volume, p. 105. (Talk)
(12) Tütken T 2002. Klima und Knochen – Die Mammutsteppenfauna Sibiriens, ein kontinentales Klima-Archiv. 29. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Wirbeltierpaläntologie, Laimering bei München, Abstract Volume. (Talk)
(11) Kuznetsova TV, Sulerzhitski LD, Tütken T and Schirrmeister L 2002. New evidence of the „Mammoth“ fauna from the Arctic region of northern Siberia: mammals environment and ecology. QUEEN Abschluß-Meeting in Spiez/Schweiz, Abstract Volume.
(10) Tütken T, Kuznetsova TV, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2002. Late Pleistocene-Holocene climate of Siberia deduced from oxygen isotope compositions of mammoth and horse bone phosphate. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 66, S 1, A885. (Talk)
(9) Tütken T, Pfretzschner H-U and Vennemann TW 2002. Klimabeeinflusste Wachstumszyklen in Dinosaurierknochen – Histologische und isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21, A 334-335. (Talk)
(8) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2001. Diagenetic alteration of biogenic phosphate. – constraints from oxygen isotope analysis of vertebrate fossils from Neogene marine deposits. EUG 11, Strasbourg, J. Conf. Abs., 6, 500. (Talk)
(7) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2001. Neodym in fossilen Knochen – ein elementarer und isotopischer Tracer für das Milieu der Knochendiagenese. 5. Geochemie Tagung, Tübingen, Terra Nostra, 5/01, 72-74. (Poster)
(6) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2001. Neodymium isotopic composition of fossil bones – a diagenetic tracer. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 33, A390. (Talk)
(5) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2000. Bone diagenesis - effects on S, O, Sr, and Nd isotopic composition of biogenic phosphate. 78. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Heidelberg, Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beiheft zum European Journal of Mineralogy, 12, 218. (Talk)
(4) Tütken T, Vennemann TW and Pfretzschner H-U 2000. Early diagenesis of mammal bone - a multi isotopic approach (S, O, Sr and Nd). – on fossilized material. 2nd Conference on: Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, Braunschweig, Book of Abstracts, 119. (Poster)
(3) Tuetken T, Eisenhauer A, Hansen B and Wiegand B 1999. Sr and Nd isotopes as tracers for climate dependent variations of the sediment provenance and transport processes in the eastern Arctic Ocean during the late Quaternary. In: European Union of Geosciences conference abstracts; EUG 10. Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4, 1, 165. Cambridge Publications, Cambridge, United Kingdom. (Talk)
(2) Tütken T, Eisenhauer A, and Hansen BT 1999. Strontium and Neodymium isotopes as tracers for climate induced variations of the sediment provenance and transport processes in the Eastern Arctic Ocean during the Late Quaternary. 3. Geochemiker-Tagung, Göttingen, Abstract Volume, 51-52. (Talk)
(1) Tütken T, Eisenhauer A and Hansen BT 1998. Strontium and Neodymium isotopes as tracers for climate induced variations of the sediment transport processes in the Eastern Arctic Ocean during the late Quaternary. Terra Nostra, 98/3. Geo-Berlin. (Talk)
(5) [pdf] Tütken T, Turck R and Zeeb-Lanz A 2012. Sauerstoffisotopenanalysen menschlicher Zähne der jungsteinzeitlichen Grubenanlage von Herxheim – Hinweise zur Herkunft und Mobilität der Individuen. Metalla, Sonderheft 5, 95-98. (Poster)
(4) [pdf] Tütken T 2011. Exceptional geochemical preservation of vertebrate remains from the Eocene Messel Pit, Germany – Paleoenvironmental and paleoecological implications of the stable isotope signatures. In: The world at the time of Messel: Puzzles in palaeobiology, palaeoenvironment, and the history of early primates. (eds. Lehmann T. and Schaal S. F. K.) 22nd International Senckenberg Conference, Frankfurt am Main. Conference Volume. Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 164-165. (Talk)
(3) [pdf] Tütken T and Hone DWE 2010. The ecology of pterosaurs based on carbon and oxygen isotope analysis. Third International Symposium on Pterosaurs. Acta Geoscientica Sinica 31, Supp.1, 65-67. (Poster)
(2) [pdf] Tütken T, Sander M, Hummel J and Gee C 2007. Ernährung und Mobilität von Sauropoden – Informationspotential der Isotopenzusammensetzung von Knochen und Zähnen. Hallesches Jahrb. Geowiss. Beiheft 23, 85-92. (Talk)
(1) [pdf] Bocherens H, Conard NJ, Germonpré M, Hofreiter M, Münzel S, Stephan E and Tütken T 2007. Isotopic biogeochemistry and the evolution of cave bear ecology during Marine Oxygen Isotopic Stage 3 in Western and Central Europe. Scripta Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brun., Geology 35, 103-106.
This project receives funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 681450).